
The Astrology of Russia’s Saturn Return in Aquarius

Season 1 Episode 74

It is Thursday January 28, 2021 and after offering The Soul-Awakening Astrology of 2021and Beyond: Part 4, we now present The Astrology of Russia’s Saturn Return in Aquarius. This new podcast contains the chart for Modern Russia being born on December 25, 1991 when the Russian Flag was raised at the Kremlin and the Soviet Union ended, the Saturn Return horoscope on January 31, 2021 for Russia, the horoscopes of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Progressive Party Leader Alexei Navalny, the chart for China on October 1, 1949 and the horoscope of the Discovery of Neptune on September 23, 1846. Overall, this is the 74th podcast offered to the public since May 2019.

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