
The Astro-Psychology of Life in The Great Beyond: Part 1

Season 1 Episode 104

It is Sunday November 13, 2022 and after offering podcast 103 on The Astrology of the Total Lunar Eclipse & Full Moon on November 8, 2022 & Your Birth Chart: Part 1 we now present The Astro-Psychology of Life in The Great Beyond: Part 1. This new podcast – where Mark Lerner is having a discussion with Medium and Reiki Healer Debbie – is focused on what we might call our Soul-Spiritual Existence, Life after Death and Life before Birth as well as everything associated with Mediumship, Psychic Healing, Reincarnation, Dreams, Lucid-Dreaming, Astral-Projection, Guardian Angels, Devas, the Power of your Thoughts and Intuitive Flashes, Omens, Good Luck/Fortune vs “Bad” Luck/Fortune, the fine art of “Letting Go” from earthly attachments, working with Talismans, Photographs, Jewelry, Crystals, and key zodiacal signs and celestial bodies associated with “Being Psychic,” special astrological times, cosmic cycles and your birth chart to discover more about who you are on deeper and higher levels of reality. Several charts are provided including those of Edgar Cayce, Rudolf Steiner and Alice A. Bailey. Overall, this is podcast #104 offered to the public since May 2019.

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